Posts from the ‘caption fun’ Category

“THANKSGIVING CANCELLED: Turkeys get new lease on Life ! “


Carl’s shopping guide(caption fun)

product2product3product5product6product 1

“Eagle Airlines” by Carl D’Agostino

First Class -  Dinner included

“First Class – Dinner included” Collage: eagle picture, two mouse cutouts ,eyes and mouths with black pen and caption.

“Men and their cars” by Carl D’Agostino

anticipation stage

anticipation stage

getting the feel of things

getting the feel of things

dare devil techniques

dare devil techniques

road rage practice

road rage practice

apprenticeship over

apprenticeship over

mission accomplished

mission accomplished

“Be my Valentine” by Carl D’Agostino


“Go West young man. Go west” by Carl D’Agostino


As the song goes: “Walking in a winter wonderland” by Carl D’Agostino


Caption Day. Think up a caption. Rule : You may not use the “s” word.

“art appreciation” By Carl D’Agostino

“Howard Caught a cold at the game” by Carl D’Agostino