Archive for September, 2015

“Shipwrecked” by Carl D’Agostino


“Root for the wings” by Carl D’Agostino


I cried this morning. A yankee great, Yogi Berra Dead at 90. NEW YORK YANKEES FOREVER

berra 2berra 3berra 4yogi 1y 1y 2y 3y 4y 5y 6

“Dinner Time ? ” by Carl D’Agostino


“Issue Driven Politics” by Carl D’Agostino

candidate debates

“Worm gets the slammer” By Carl D’Agostino


Baptism of our Myah, Faith Presbyterian Church, Greensboro, North Carolina, USA

blog bapt

REMEMBER 9/11: Today we are all new yorkers

Carl D'Agostino: Staten Island, NY, 1949

Carl D’Agostino: Staten Island, NY, 1949

My son and daughter

Carlos Arturo D'Agostino and Cristina Josephina D'Agostino

Carlos Arturo D’Agostino and Cristina Josephina D’Agostino

“Autumn Leaves” by Carl D’Agostino
