Archive for January, 2013

“Proud Parents” by Carl D’Agostino


Wednesdays, Guest post; The amazing comics men (link on blog roll)

stripman 1stripman 2strip 3strip 4strip 5

“Home insurance protection” by Carl D’Agostino

Don't let disaster eat away your family's home and security. Our staff will have you relocated to temporary housing at Ginger Bread Land within 24 hours where you may stay until your home is fully restored. "When help is due, we're there for you ". - AMERICAN FAMILY INSURANCE

Don’t let disaster eat away your family’s home and security. Our staff will have you relocated to temporary housing at Ginger Bread Land within 24 hours where you may stay until your home is fully restored. “When help is due, we’re there for you ”  – AMERICAN FAMILY INSURANCE

“The Eye of the beholder” by Carl D’Agostino


Wednesdays, Guest Post: Duck of indeed (link on blog roll)

duck 2 bio

Jumping Koi Jumping Koi





“Experimentation with copy art” by Carl D’Agostino

"The Old Guitarist" by Pablo Picasso, 48.4 in. x 32.5 in., oil on panel, 1903

“The Old Guitarist” by Pablo Picasso, 48.4 in. x 32.5 in., oil on panel, 1903

Reproduction, #2 pencil on paper, 4 in. x 5.7 in. by Carl D'Agostino, 1/21/13

Reproduction, #2 pencil on paper, 4 in. x 5.7 in. by Carl D’Agostino, 1/21/13

Reproduction, colorized version of above using gimp, by Carl D'Agostino, 1/21/13

Reproduction, colorized version of above using gimp, by Carl D’Agostino, 1/21/13

Reproduction of above, using cray - pas for coler drawing complete, by Cael D'Agostino 1/21/13

Reproduction of above, using cray – pas for color drawing complete, by Carl D’Agostino 1/21/13

“Parental Pride” by Carl D’Agostino

parental pride

“Never trust the spanish language teacher ” by Carl D’Agostino

spanish incorrectspanish laughing

“Mary and Jackie Paper take their pets for a walk” by Carl D’Agostino

Little Lamb and Puff, Magic Dragon

Little Lamb and Puff, Magic Dragon