Archive for January 12th, 2013 Thank you very much for award.

Thank you utesmile for award. "A great reader is...." One who has reader all Arthur Conan Doyle, HG Wells, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Kipling, some Tennyson and Longfellow, James Fenimore Cooper by age 14 - like me.

Thank you utesmile for award. “A great reader is….” One who has read all Arthur Conan Doyle, HG Wells, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Kipling, some Tennyson and Longfellow, James Fenimore Cooper by age 14 – like me, Carl D’Aoostino. Then I tackled Institutes of Religion – John Calvin. Still not finished though with him even at 63 years old !

Something “Fishy” in London by Carl D’Agostino
